Gaius Julius Caesar (July 100 BC – 15 March 44 BC) was a military commander, politician and author at the end of the Roman Republic. Caesar became a member of the First Triumvirate, and when that broke up, he fought a civil war against Pompey the Great. Winning the war, Caesar became Roman dictator for life.


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Gaius Julius Caesar. Wie kent Julius Caesar niet? Hij is zowat de beroemdste Romein aller tijden. In de loop van de geschiedenis hebben talloze generaals en   Gaius Julius Caesar is geboren rond -140 in Rome, Italy, zoon van Gaius Julius Caesar en Marcia Regia., ze kregen 1 kind.

Gaius julius caesar

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Born 102 or 100 B.C. in Rome; died there Mar. 15, 44 B.C. Roman statesman, political leader, general, and writer. Of the patrician Julian clan and related by birth to G. Marius and Cinna, Caesar was compelled during Sulla’s rule to leave Rome for Asia Minor. After Sulla’s death in 78 B.C., Caesar returned to Rome and began his The life of Gaius Julius Caesar.Second soundtrack is "Live or Die" by X-Ray Dog group. I couldn't actually find the exact version I used (sounds slightly dif Gaius Julius Caesar - HBO Rome - YouTube. Video about the Roman general and dictator Gaius Julius Caesar, from the HBO and BBC tv series Rome. Showing Caesars civil war and victory over the Senate Gaius Julius Caesar provides examples of the following: Affably Evil: He was very cultured, (he was an aristocrat, after all), could be very merciful, and generally tried to make friends out of enemies.; Ambition Is Evil: For his detractors, Caesar is one of the classic examples.; Antagonist in Mourning: Towards Pompey.; Aristocrats Are Evil: Inverted and played straight. Gaius Julius Caesar, the "tyrant" dictator.

Otaliga är de som fängslats av Caesars gestalt. Generalen som aldrig förlorade ett slag.

Roman Senator. He was the father of Julius Caesar and great-grandfather of Emperor Augustus Caesar. He is also know for supporting his brother-in-law, Gaius Marius. He was also the son of Gaius Julius Caesar II and Marcia. He married Aurelia and had four children; Julia Minor, Sextus Julius Caesar, Julia Major, and

Gaius of the Julii, called Caesar, simplified as Gaius Julius Caesar, is a central character in Rome played by Ciarán Hinds. His conflict with Pompey forms the first major story arc. He is based on the historical Gaius Julius Caesar. Gaius Julius Caesar was the father of Gaius Julius Caesar the Elder who was the father of Julius Caesar, the Roman dictator.

Gaius julius caesar

Gaius Julius Caesar, Julius Cæsar, var en romersk statsmann, feltherre og forfatter. Han var av den patrisiske juliske slekt (gens Julia) som regnet sin herkomst fra Aeneas, sønn av Venus. Caesar la grunnlaget for og navn til det romerske keiserdømmet, men regnes ikke blant keiserne. Caesar var en av republikkens ledende politikere og dessuten dens

Gaius Julius Caesar was born in July 100 BCE during the era of the late Roman Republic. GAIUS JULIUS CAESAR. GAIUS JULIUS CAESAR. Tillverkare: Nuts Planet. NUP-B016. Byggsatstyp: Byggsats Material: Plast resin.

Gaius julius caesar

Skriv produktens första recension. Tavla med härlig fotokonst motiv. Kombinera gärna med våra andra posters i samma stil eller välj  Personer/gestalter: Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus In at the Death av David Wishart, as Gaius Caesar. SPQR : historien om det antika Rom av  Deminas Gaius Julius Caesar. Skriv ut.
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Gaius julius caesar

mars 44 f.Kr.) var rómverskur herforingi, sagnaritari, stjórnmálamaður og síðar einvaldur í Róm Gaius Julius Caesar -Fate/GO. 35 likes. ไม่ว่าจะทุกข์ยากหรือสุขข้าจะออกมาหาท่านบ่อยๆ เลิฟมาสเตอร์!!!

Caesar och Gaius Julius Caesar omdirigerar hit. För fler betydelser, se Caesar (olika betydelser) respektive Gaius Julius Caesar (olika betydelser) och Julius  Gaius Julius Caesar, född 13 juli 100 f.Kr.
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Gaius Julius Caesar (13 July 100 - 15 March 44 BCE), Roman statesman, general, author, famous for the conquest of Gaul (modern France and Belgium) and his subsequent coup d'état. He changed the Roman republic into a monarchy and laid the foundations of a truly Mediterranean empire.

Välj mellan 3 848 premium Julius Caesar av högsta kvalitet. Ett mäktigt porträtt på Romarrikets Imperator, målat av Peter Paul Rubens 1619.Gaius Julius Caesar, född 13 juli 100 f.Kr.

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Gaius Julius Caesar was a leader of ancient Rome who significantly transformed what became known as the Roman Empire by greatly expanding its geographic reach and establishing its imperial system.

Řím) byl vojevůdce a politik a jeden z nejmocnějších mužů antické historie. Sehrál klíčovou roli v procesu zániku římské republiky a její transformace v císařství. Z jeho jména pochází titul caesar a odvozené císař (rusky car, německy Kaiser, dánsky kejser, polsky Gaius Iulius Caesar (în limba latină IMP•C•IVLIVS•CAESAR•DIVVS 1, în română cunoscut și ca Iulius Cezar; n. iulie 100 î.Hr.

Ucapan terkenal Caesar, "Kudatang, Kulihat, Kutawan" (Veni Vidi Vici). Gaius Julius Caesar (Tulisan Jawi: ڬايوس جوليوس سيزر; 13 Julai 100 SM - 15 Mac 44 SM) ialah seorang ahli politik, jeneral Rom dan penulis yang memainkan peranan yang penting dalam pengubahan Republik Rom menjadi Empayar Rom.

i stadsdelen Subura i Rom, död 15 mars 44 f.Kr.

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